Saturday 2 September 2017

Aljean: Why I hate Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is probably the worst TV show I can ever think of if you ever ask me what is the worst TV show I could think of.

I am one of a little group that hates the show, but honestly, when you think about it the simple way, it's a weird and just plain weird. Or weird weird. It's sense of style, it's plot, it's storyline, it it's just impeccable and ugly.

I am not saying the actors are bad actors. No, they're good. But a show that talks about dominating, wars, sex and more sex, bloody and brutal scenes. Who would want to see that?

Well, over a million people would do. Which made me think, what is this show supposed to be? What are the fundamental elements are it supposed to be taught? Even Family Guy has some few touching scenes, sure it may be nonsense and all but it has that grain of sense, something GOT doesn't have.

What is GOT supposed to be all about? Think about it. If you gather up all the main stuff that happens, it comes down to

First: War
Second: Sex
Third: sitting on a throne

Okay, maybe the third one isn't but the two others are. Which again makes me think, why do people watch this show? How does it even win awards? Is it because it's active? The storyline is making you want to know more? Well Guess what? In my opinion, the show is nothing more but sex and war.

Who would want to watch people die? Who would want to watch people dominating? It's too cruel, brutal and plain unsightly, these generation of things have already Long passed. The last time we all did this was about 200 years ago. One example was the French Revolution in 1791.

Not to mention the nude scenes which is very unsightly to young ones.

Maybe to an 11 year old like me, I would not understand. But we alone are the only type of living things to kill each other and saying we enjoy that scene is just very paranormal and unnatural of us humans. Very immature indeed. We must learn to grow up and know our borders. It is very shameful alone we made Wars and fights, yet alone watching it on TV. I am more interested in pursuing the Science and learning about Chemistry. Or even explore the world beneath, on and above our feet.

I am sorry but in my opinion, it sucks.